Demystifying Java for
Intranets: slide 9 |
Brief history of programming languages
- LISP, John McCarthy,
- Automatic memory management and Garbage
- BCPL: Martin Richards, Cambridge University, 1969
- low level typeless language
- compiled to compact interpreted ('CINT') code,
hardware independent.
- CINT code interpreter is 'virtual machine'.
- C: Thompson & Richie, Bell Labs, 1972
- derived directly from BCPL but compiles to machine
- used to write the UNIX operating system
- became widely used
- [horrible] 'object oriented' extensions - C++ and
Objective C.
- Smalltalk, Goldberg, Kay and others, Xerox PARC,
- Automatic memory management
- Everything is an object
- Class inheritance
- Interactive graphical user interface
- Oak: James Gosling, Sun Microsystems, 1990
- Targeted at consumer electonics products
- Like LISP, memory management is automatic
- Like SmallTalk, everything is an object
- Like BCPL, compiles to hardware independent code
- Only the syntax is like C
- Java: James
Gosling et al, Sun Microsystems 1995
- OAK plus Web browser renamed 'Java' and launched publicly
by Sun
- JDBC: Sun Microsystems 1996
- Abstract database connectivity extensions to the standard
Java classes