Course Outline

Adopting XML: Tomorrow's Web

1 Day Tutorial Format

Course Description

A one day workshop which gives an overview of the present state of development and future prospects for XML, (eXtensible Markup Language), the proposed new open standard for Web documents. The workshop includes some technical material and hands-on elements. Participants should have a working knowledge of HTML.

NOTE This course has not been updated since 1998 and is now woefully out of date. The successor course is here.

Who should attend

Course Objectives

The course is intended to help you:

Course Outcomes

The delegate will understand how XML fits into the architecture of the Web, and will have the resources to develop a strategy for incorporating XML into their organistions' Web presence, or for converting an existing Web presence entirely to XML.

Working Method

But first, an apology...

This course was written by and was scheduled to be presented by me, Simon Brooke. However, what I did this summer was very carelessly roll an open car and break my back, so it will instead be presented by my friend and colleague, Gordon Howell. I'm sure he'll keep you entertained and informed for the duration...

Presenting this course

Tutors notes in the text are marked up like this - just as reminders of where you are at and any special things to mention.

There are many hypertext links in the body of the document. Except where mentioned in tutor's notes, they are not part of the course and you need not follow them. If you do follow them, please come back to the body of the course!

Please ensure that you have downloaded local copies of both the SMIL demo and the JUMBO demo in advance.

If you don't want these notes to appear while you are giving the presentation, edit slideshow.css and remove the commenting around the line 'display: none' at the end of the file

Course Outline: What we're going to do today

What is XML

Key Features

Visual Appearance and Style Sheets [1]

If people are interested, you can open the style sheet for this presentation, slideshow.css, in a text editor.

Visual Appearance and Style Sheets [2]

Differences from HTML

Extensible: what does this mean for you?

Extensible: a simple example [1]

     <customer-details id="AcPharm39156">
     <name>Acme Pharmaceuticals Co.</name>
     <address country="US">
         <street>7301 Smokey Boulevard</street>

Extensible: a simple example [2]

Strictly parsed: what does this mean for you? [1]

Documents which do not conform to the standard will not be rendered by an XML browser.

At all.

Strictly parsed: what does this mean for you? [2]

Differences from SGML

Reality check

Where is this process at?

Will this really happen?

Will you have to change what you do?

Status of XML

The World Wide Web Consortium ('W3C') [1]

The World Wide Web Consortium ('W3C') [2]

Emerging XML based standards

SMIL: Synchronised Multimedia Integration Language A set of XML extensions to handle embedded multimedia.

PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection A means of labelling the content of documents based on criteria of taste - mainly motivated by people who want to protect children from sexually explicit material.

RDF: Resource Description Framework A standard for structuring embedded metadata - making it easier for programs to understand documents.

Some other proposed XML-based standards

This slide is included simply to give some feel of the scale of the XML project...

Netscape Communications Corporation

Microsoft Inc

Benefits of XML

SMIL: Glitz and eye-candy

Say 'Smile'!

SMIL: An Example

Larry Bouthillier: "What I did last summer..."

NB: You should ensure you have the G2 beta of RealPlayer to view this. As of November 1998, bugs in the server prevented the presentation from completely working over the Internet, but what does work on a 28k modem is still worth showing. To demonstrate the complete presentation, download the source and media in advance from here .

Document Type Definitions and dialects of XML

What is a Document Type Definition [1]?

Do I have to use a DTD

What DTDs are available?

Who will write DTDs

Anatomy of an XML system

Chemical Markup Language

The Jumbo XML Browser: Introduction

The Jumbo Browser: Illustration

The Jumbo Browser in use

I'm including this because in my experience the browser is so hard to use you may not be able to make it do anything the course will see as interesting.

Using Jumbo [1]

The XML source code for this demo

Using Jumbo [2]

XML in your context

Applications which will benefit greatly from XML

At present, only where the audience is controlled

Applications which will benefit little from XML

But even here the advantages of XML will gradually take over.

Early adoption: arguments for

Organisations which should aim to be early adopters

Early Adopters: Technical information [1]

Organisations which distribute large quantities of technical information to a targetted audience should adopt early.

Early Adopters: Technical information [2]

Early Adopters: Specialist search [1]

Organisations which publish volumes of reference information which users typically search should adopt early.

Early Adopters: Specialist search [2]

Early Adopters: Gaining experience [1]

Organisations which view the Web as core to their business should adopt early.

Early Adopters: Gaining experience [2]

Wait and see: arguments for

'It's not ready':
No commercial quality XML browsers are yet available, and it may be some time before any emerge.
'It may never happen':
Some powerful software houses may see it as to their advantage to undermine the standardisation process.
'What we've got is good enough':
For many organisations, the present capabilities of HTML as enhanced with applets and various proprietary multimedia plug-ins will continue to fulfill their needs for some time to come.

Organisations which should aim to wait and see

Remember: better tools will emerge; this is still a bleeding edge.

Hybrid strategy: arguments for Organisations which should adopt a hybrid strategy

Review of XML Tools and Technologies


Everyone and his dog seems to have written an XML parser in Java:

There are also a few parsers available in C, Python, etc...

Parsers are essential technology if you want to build user-level tools for XML, but, by themselves, don't do anything useful for the average user.


A number of other SGML editing tools can be used for XML.


SGML Browsers may also work.

Tools: The state of play


Early days
When we planned this presentation in April 1998, we thought that by November this technology would be beginning to stabilise. It hasn't; it isn't ready for the real world yet.
XML and the family of proposals based around it could radically change the way we interact with all data and all machines: it has the potential to be far more pervasive than the Web is now.
Development could be very rapid
Given good document authoring, conversion and maintenance tools and at least one solid mass-market browser, conversion to XML could be very rapid indeed.

Thank you

Course author: Simon Brooke
Course presenter: Gordon Howell
This presentation is available online.

Marketing Note

This course is new in second quarter 1998.

Course Author and Presenter

Simon Brooke Associate, Internet Business Services Consulting Ltd

Simon Brooke has been a technical consultant in advanced software applications for thirteen years. He advises on the development of software architectures and systems, primarily for Internet and Intranet application.

As a consultant, Simon has advised many blue chip companies, primarily in the IT, Telecoms and Chemical industries, on the application and development of advanced software systems.