Adopting XML:
Tomorrow's Web |
Course Outline
Adopting XML: Tomorrow's Web
1 Day Tutorial Format
Course Description
A one day workshop which gives an overview of the present
state of development and future prospects for XML, (eXtensible
Markup Language), the proposed new open standard for Web
documents. The workshop includes some technical material and
hands-on elements. Participants should have a working knowledge
of HTML.
Who should attend
- Web developers,
- Web development managers.
Course Objectives
The course is intended to help you:
- Understand the underlying technology of XML
- Understand the benefits offered by XML, and their
- Be aware of the current state of the standardisation of
- Be aware of commercial implementations and market
committments to XML
- Be aware of available tools for generating XML
- Understand the issues required in switching to XML from
other technologies
- Decide whether, and when, to switch your Web development
to XML
Course Outcomes
The delegate will understand how XML fits into the
architecture of the Web, and will have the resources to develop
a strategy for incorporating XML into their organistions' Web
presence, or for converting an existing Web presence entirely
to XML.
- Course Notes
- Set of Online and Published references
- XML Strategy Workbook
Working Method
- Presentation of Information
- Worked case-study
- Hands-on investigation
- Personal plan workbook
Author: Simon
Copyright © 1998 IBSC